We have a fully trained and experience team of billers who are equipped with complete knowledge of latest healthcare updates.
Our billers look after the complete billing process with precision and accuracy that leads the claims to get paid ultimately.
Our billers can work on multiple specialties like Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Pediatric Care, General and Vascular Surgery, Psychiatry, Nephrology, Pulmonary Disease etc.
We can work for different states from coast to coast having complete knowledge of rules of every state.
High Clean Claim Rate
We are responsible to process clean and error free claims for our clients and our clean claim ratio approaches from 95% to 98% which is higher than any competitor in this industry.
We not only claim it but have the testimonials to prove that.
We have all the credentials to maintain this ratio for each of our client.
Reporting and Analysis
We have a complete package of all BI reports for our clients which covers every aspect of the business.
Reports like Collections, Claims submission, Insurance/Patient Payments, Insurance/Patient AR, Denied claims and User Productivity are efficiently embedded in our system.
To monitor the quality of work, we also provide quality assurance report of each user.
Based on above reports, our clients can easily see their money drain and status of their practice.
Less Denials
We have a very low ratio of claims denied by billing errors and discrepancies which makes us unique in the market.
Our team drills down deep of each claim and investigates every aspect so that the root cause can be identified.
We believe in processing error free claims so it minimizes any chance of claims being denied by the insurance.
Less denials complement the clean claim rate that we assure to our clients.
Transparency and Audits
Every entry and transaction is being logged in the system which is easy to track as well.
We make sure that every claim and payment is being audited for any erroneous entry prior to submission and posting.
Our system has a top notch scrubber embedded in it which alerts and refrains a user to submit any claim with errors.
Our system is linked with a top rated clearing house of the US healthcare industry which allows us to see the real time tracking of the claims.
Less Human Effort
We have a smart template based module of charge entry and auto posting module which require less human effort to process a claim and post a payment.
We have auto crosswalks in our system which automatically performs functions like write offs and patient responsibility.
We have an updated CPT/HCPCS and ICD-10, ICD-9 lookup which gives an appropriate and detailed description of the diagnosis.
Our system provides a user friendly and error free reconciliation report through which you can check and match every transaction.
Minimum write offs and Adjustments
Our client’s each penny is important for us so we try to take the claim to its logical end which is to get paid from the insurance company.
We always refrain doing write offs and adjustments which not only shows that we work the claim to its very end but it also increase the revenue for the provider.
We can save up to 20% of our client’s money by working on these adjustments and converting these write offs and adjustments into payments from insurance carriers.